The Topical Quest Collective
Welcome to this lovely section. Mostly written by Droo when he was a mortal, this 'column' is not quite as up to date as it once was, but is still quite interesting to read. At the time of writing, Droo said "I will be taking you through each quest, and what they are about, and maybe even go have a chat with their creators, our mentors the Wizzes", but he never really updated it past its original state. It now includes some quest-related information from other players, and if you'd like to add something of your own, please email us.
Quest Overviews
Bits and Bobbs
Other Junk
By Droo
One of the originals , if not the original Wireplay MUD2 quest. Created by our own resident arch-wiz , Kyric. Basically the plot goes along the lines of, the elf king, who was driven out of the dwarfen realm (which at the time was called the elfen realm) by the dwarf king. In the battle many were lost, including the dwarfen kings daughter. Now after a long time away from the land the elves have been planning a re-attack (re-attack being one of my faverout past-times myself now-a-days - Droo <G>) and have come back to the land setting up refuge in the abandoned cottage just north of the swamp. Whilst being there they have already sent the message to the dwarfen king to prepare himself for the battle to begin. Now, us, the players being stuck in the middle of this tension have to do our normal playing around these elves . . . . I THINK NOT (that would take he biscuit , or Wafer30 so to speak <G>), what you do is grab yourself the VAl, or the LS and go hacking at the elfen refuge!
By Droo
The Rebel quest, known by few at the moment, as it is hugely new, was created by CAT (I think), and in the short time I was there I got a number of printouts that showed me a group of the lands original occupents had returned to overthrow the wizzes, and return their land from a evil ridden one, lived in by foul enchanted, and horrid natural creatures to the peaceful one they used to live in, and now the wizzes have told us, as OUR masters (I think not), to destroy the lands once pieceful residents turned rebels. From other manuscripts I read in the reset, I found that to enter where the rebels are hidding you must reach 'a certain area' and say to no-one in particular a password!
By Droo
Another quest known by few, which I know for a fact was created by Cat, as I was one of the first to enter it. To find this hidden area you must first take a visit to the shrine, and once you leave it you will almost automatically trip over a tangled root on the ground and find yourself looking around in a different part of the forest. From the first eXits command you take, you'll see that the 'Bluebell forest' is the begining of the new area, once you enter there you will bw able to see the porch of the Magus' residence . Another small problem is that the Magus himself does not like his house to be enterd whist you are holding a weapon, so sadly you have to bung that lovely Longsword, or Valtent away somewhere (I suggest the Crypt), Anyway, back to the Magus' house. When you enter and look around you'll find many intresting books that tell you of sorcerers and magic articles that you find within the house you will also find the Magus himself in his bedroom looking terrible unoccupied, is this a clue to do something i wonder? Anyway, looking around the rest of the house reveals a caged daemo , who will promise you ANYTHING just for you to free him! There is also a very perculeur room, which may even be alive itself!
Air Balloon
By Thwomp
Twas at the ford I first came across the wonderful hotair balloon, in I climbed and as it gently lifted into the air I looked out to see way above the clouds. After a short time I landed on an ancient road, walking along the road I came across a ruined temple and a fountain spewing blood. I met many nasty mobiles on my little expedition in the jungle. First of all a large striped Tiger found me to its tastes, fleeing this dastardly foe I ran into an elephant who very kindly crushed poor me with all his weight.
Later in my travels I found myself starting to get lost in a deceptive labyrinth but the reset would wait no longer and with my map still lucking very measly the reset came.
Sadly this is all I found about the new Quest which was created by Cat, There is about 2ks worth of treasure guarded by some very unfriendly mobiles there. Most of the treasure I saw was different types of coins but the large rewards are hidden deep in the new area probably next to lots of nasties.
Thwomps hint of the quest: Dont jump out of the hot-air balloon for a laugh.
and Bobbs
By Droo
In this little section I'll tell you of the somewhat bizzare, possibly prototype quests. Or which I have not fully experienced quite yet. I have only 2 lore stories tonight. Which are : -
Wasp Hive
The wasp hive, which I saw a few nights back, concocted by cat. The wasps hive, which was located in the dense forest west of the swamp, contained 10 - 20 wasps which, unsuspected by myself and a pk who was hunting me at the time, having a sniff around , as you do , I found that (the Sleeping) wasp was, gettable and, stupid, I took it, and as the Pk, loomed over me and began attacking the noise woke the whole hive up, and within 2 - 3 fight rotations Baam! - we were both dead. Of course, cat gave us ressurections due to unfair deaths. What a Guy <G>
The Statue
Here's an interesting one I saw for a short amount of time, in fact so short, there's not much point speaking about it, but i will none the less. The senerio: a statue is stuck in the swamp, and all SAFE attemps of moving it seemed to have failed, well thats really all i can say, as well as a voice, a POWERFUL voice if i remember corectly shouting something in the distance, "DOWN AND DOWN IT GOES", or something like that (VERY inacurate, BTW) anyway, thats all i have. This is why this is the Bits and Bobbs section, so don't blame me! But from what i saw of this quest it looks like a future task, as it from a glance looked very . . . tasky, if you know what I mean - you know, get the keg, and the sphere etc., and in the end you get points .
By ... Droo
After a conversation with RICHARD about the facts behind Quests I discovered thats it's not all the cup of tea it appears, in fact as soon as you reach the 11th level, of WIZ, you gain the ability to make your own quests, how you learn to work them .. . this . . . . , well i cant really say (in fact im not ALLOWED to say -DROO). Anyway, he told he that there is an example quest in the . . . erm . . thing . . (hehe blame KYRIC - he won't let me tell you!), and that he doesnt like looking at other wizard's quests as he believes he would find fault with them and would then want to fix them up himself. We were also discussing the future of our mud as it is, and when the new server updates comeout, the next(newest) update will be very soon in our calander (but there is no fixed date yet), it will contain, amond other stuff, the ability for mages to start up HOUSES, or guilds as us laymen like to call them, but a while after that the new areas update will arrive, some updates you'd be intrested may be that the PERGODA in the formal gardens will be a whole NEW AREA, as well as the natural cavern (in the gobs) will open up an entirely new area, and there also will be a NEWBIES area SW from the ford somewhere. Of course, as well as there being new areas there needs to be new baddies to fight! Some of these being GIANTS and a lot more insects and Dragonflys for glows (I dunno how this works mind you). Some other stuff he was mentioning was that there will be no new tasks for us to complete (GASP). Oh yeah, anyone really LOVE MUD2 enough to buy it . . . ? Well if you Really want 3 floppies worth of MUD MAYHEM just send a STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE to RICHARD the arch-Wizard, with a postal order worth 20,000 pounds. Yes, 20 grand and its yours! The strange thing is that he has had buyers!