by Anonymous

This tale fell into my hands by way of an anonymous source. It concerns Droo, and possibly, player killers in general...

A few days ago, Droo and I had a bit of a squabble... We ran into each other in the scriptorium, where I was busy feeding the hunchback some uranium. I said, "hehe.. too late droo, cowl is mine!" with which he replied "Ok .. well, I'm having the uranium for myself then !..".

No way, I said, uranium is mine - cheeky little blighter, I thought to myself.

Anyway, off I trundle, happy in the knowledge that once more the Keep and its lovely treasures would be mine. Little did I know, but there lurking inside the keep was Droo - invisible of course - waiting for me to clear up the
mobiles so he could grab all the goodies for himself . I got to treasure room, but where was everything?

'Wh vl', I typed. 'One carried by droo'
'Wh Droo'. At the swamp... Oh dear, too late.

So I approached him ... "What are you playing at, Droo," I asked.
"Don't know what you mean," he replied .
"Well you know I was going for the keep. Why did you nick everything from there after I killed all the mobiles?"
"Nothing to do with me," he replied.
Rubbish, I thought to myself...

So, time passed and a call for the icons was announced. My fellow iconers were Azzuri and Droo... I'll get him back, I thought to myself. So I refused to meditate for ages. In the end Droo was, understandably, getting a little frustrated at this, so I agreed to do icons in return for him giving me one his two icons (he was going in, you see) I thought, yes, this is fair; one extra instead of the keep treasure -well it was something back anyway

Hmm... So, what happens? Droo gets in, and shouts "icons done!". Yeah right, I thought to myself.. So a couple of minutes later I typed 'where icon'. 'Four in the dinghy. 'wh dinghy.' 'One carried by Droo' ... Hmm, surprise surprise.

So I thought I'd keep this little knowledge to myself and get Droo back in a slightly different way... Play on his greed and avarice.

My chance came a couple of days later.

Droo had a brand new player killer warlock, Tequila. I thought to myself, hmm, he won't be too gutted about losing a warlock, especially a PKer one, so I gave Droo a shout and suggested we came to a mutually beneficial arrangement... I told him that I was only 10k from wiz and killing his warlock would wiz me. In return I would let him kill my other warlock (which, incidentally, didn't exist...). He also requested a permanent prefix from me for when I wizzed. He valued me, did his maths wrong, and decided I was telling the truth and was indeed only 10k from wiz.

He attacked me at the centre of the maze, stole my wafer, but it wasn't a tricky fight. He had no weapon and I was fully armed and dangerous. So I killed him, got my 10K, and then had to make up some story as to why I didn't make wiz...

I thought the best policy would be to say that I had been snooped and someone very powerful has deducted from me 50K. I thought this to be a good idea since then I figured there would be no way Droo would then risk 50k reprimand for a mere 10k kill.

Anyway, I was then summoned by an Arch-wizard to the conference room and I explained what had happened. I think he was probably rather amused... I've just recently received an email from the Arch saying that I can't do this sort of thing again, since it;s akin to looby looing, but that he won't deduct any points this time..

All I can say is Droo deserved it (dont bluff a bluffer). And as for a permanent prefix, I would suggest hoodwinked. :)