Meat's Story
by Meat

Meat (short for Meat-Cleaver) was one of the first players to play Wireplay MUD2 when it was first run on the service. He was even playing when Cat the wizard wasn't a wizard! This is his story. :)

With few games my computer could run across Wireplay I soon got bored of getting beat by Blitzcreag at Descent2 demo (before I quit I was giving him a better run for his money!). So then one day in the download section MUD2 appears; a text based fantasy role-play game it was described as. So seeing it wasn't a very big download I got it and set it up. Determined as always not to read the instructions to a new game I made my way into the new world without a clue.

Ok, I'm standing in a tearoom with a cup of tea - what use is this? I can't kill anyone with a cup of tea! Ok now what, lets try east, bang right there's a wall to the east. To cut a long story short some kind soul tells me to drink the tea and to go north. I managed to pick the rest up for myself. Such as never take a lit torch to the swamp and not to think, "oh look an old man he will be easy meat".

In those days you were lucky if anyone else was on at the same time as you. Just before I quit Wireplay I think the most people I had ever seen was probably about 8 excluding myself and that didn't happen very often - usually it was just a handful of people buzzing about.

Everyone was obsessed with gaining higher levels, I did try but soon grew tired of dropping things in the swamp and drinking crazy potions. The highest I ever got was Super Hero and never any higher. In those days there wasn't any fighting between players, everyone just wanted to gain there levels and be left alone so I decided to set up The Council of 13 and make a new order. Unfortunately I only had 2 interested people, one was Entilza under a different name and I forget who the other was, and shortly after that I quit.

I will always remember the first time I met Jackripper. I was wounded at the time (that's my excuse) I met him and was just saying hallo when he attacked me and killed me, the name should have given it away. So I spread the word, the first player killer was at large and me and 2 others formed a little possy and set out to put him out of my misery. With longsword in tow, which I eventually swapped for the rolling pin [? :) - Wdi], we hunted him for quite a bit and almost killed him but always he got away. He disappeared shortly after that and was never seen again.

I didn't know Cat that well but I am sure it was him who I got to help me open the portcullis so I could lay my sweaty palms on the longsword. Then we went about down in the catacombs and killed some Gobbo's. So he's a wizard now eh, *$%^ (Golly!) he used to be about the same level as me!

I would like to take this opportunity to say sorry to Felix as I thought he killed me. Looking back I think it was probably the old git and I just want to apologise for all the death threats I sent him, and hope I didn't cause him too much concern.

Well that just about wraps up my all my memories of MUD2. You never know, one day Meat might be back and then the Council of 13 will make their presence felt...