Interview with Richard Bartle - Reset 4293
The second reset of our interview with Dr. Richard Bartle.
(Richard the arch-wizard)
enlightens Gdn.
Gdn the swanky necromancer is now enlightened as to the presence
of (Richard the arch-wizard)
(Richard the arch-wizard) enlightens Wdi.
Wdi the persistent superhero is now enlightened as to the
presence of (Richard the arch-wizard).
(Richard the arch-wizard) summons Gdn
(Richard the arch-wizard) summons Wdi
Gdn the swanky necromancer moved.
Gdn the swanky necromancer has just arrived.
Wdi the persistent superhero moved.
Wdi the persistent superhero has just arrived.
Wdi the persistent superhero has just left.
Nikita the wayfarer bids everyone bye.
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says
"new mail from cat".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) summons Wdi
Wdi the
persistent superhero moved.
Wdi the persistent superhero has just arrived.
Wdi the persistent superhero smiles.
(Richard the arch-wizard) says "well go read it if you must
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says "it
can wait".
Wdi the
persistent superhero says "Sorry..".
Wdi the
persistent superhero blinks.
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says
"so, next question?
Wdi the
persistent superhero looks at Gdn the swanky necromancer.
Wdi the persistent superhero smiles.
Gdn the swanky necromancer says "what kind of machines were you
working on when you developed the first MUD?".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "DECsystem-10
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says "and
Wdi the
persistent superhero asks "In
Essex University".
Wdi the
persistent superhero asks "?".
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says "what
were they like?".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "yes,
at Essex
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "MUD2
I was using a VAX 11/750 initially
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "although
I did most of the work on the Apricot to start with
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "before
loading it on the VAX
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "DEC-10s
were great! Standard scientific computer of the 70s
Wdi the
persistent superhero smiles.
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "VAXes
were also made by DEC, and were also good
Wdi the
persistent superhero asks "Mainframe
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "I'll
always have a cerian fondness for the 10
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "no,
VAXes (well, VAXen is supposed to be the plural) were
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "superminis.
they grew from PDP-11s, which the 10s used as front-ends
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says "why
did you decide to write a sequel to the original? what did you do
different this time? Why?".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "MUD2
is not a sequel, it's just the next version
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "MUD1
is MUD version 3A. This is MUD version 4E(34), running on merlin.
Gdn the swanky necromancer says "3A?".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "this
is version 4E.
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says
Wdi the
persistent superhero smiles.
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "yes,
3A. 3B is British Legends
Wdi the
persistent superhero says
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "4E,
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "type
DEFINITION VERSION for the full low-down
Wdi the
persistent superhero asks "How
is BL doing nowadays..?".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says
"BL is suffering from CompuServe's incompetence
Wdi the
persistent superhero asks "Oh
Wdi the
persistent superhero smiles.
Wdi the
persistent superhero asks "In
what way?".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "well
they sacked Susan the arch-witch and 500 other people
Wdi the
persistent superhero asks "500
people were sacked?".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "after
being taken over by AOL. we don't yet know what they plan
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "to
do with it. yes, 500 sacked in a single day last month
Wdi the
persistent superhero wonders.
Wdi the persistent superhero says "I didn't know Cserve was taken
over by AOL...".
Wdi looks around
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "well
now you do
Wdi the
persistent superhero smiles.
Wdi the persistent superhero mutters "Should read more".
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says "yes.
Wdi the
persistent superhero says "Oh
that reminds me...".
Wdi the
persistent superhero asks
"When did you write the mudspeke dictionary?".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "the
early 90s I think
Wdi the
persistent superhero asks "Do
you keep expanding it?".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "all
the time
Wdi the
persistent superhero says
"Players on WP MUD2 ...".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says
"whenevr I hear a new phrase, in it goes
Wdi the
persistent superhero says
"rarely use any of the
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says "what
are your views on the way many of the companies running MUD2 on
their networks stopped doing so?".
Wdi the
persistent superhero smiles.
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says "Im
being asked for a glow!".
|2|Marmite the guardian has just arrived.
don't you think? Who was Richard snooping at the time?
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "well
no, but their terms will go it
Wdi the
persistent superhero asks "Pardon?".
Gdn the swanky
necromancer makes some magical gestures.
Gdn the swanky necromancer makes some magical gestures.
Gdn the swanky necromancer makes some magical gestures.
Gdn the swanky necromancer makes some magical gestures.
Gdn the swanky necromancer makes some magical gestures.
Wdi the
persistent superhero says "Can't
cast in here..".
Gdn the swanky
necromancer says "cant
glow from in here can I?".
Wdi the
persistent superhero tuts.
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "no
idea, it's not mine
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "was
your question wdi?
Wdi the
persistent superhero says "ermm".
Wdi the
persistent superhero says "Not
Wdi the
persistent superhero smiles.
Wdi the persistent superhero shrugs.
Wdi the persistent superhero says "ah well..".
(Richard the
arch-wizard) says "can't
scroll back for it, I was snooping someone
the persistent superhero asks "MAy I ask
the persistent superhero smiles.
the arch-wizard) says "PURE, being a prat in the Tearoom
the persistent superhero says "ooh..".
the persistent superhero says "Controversy..".
the swanky necromancer says "FOD?".
the arch-wizard) says "no, no FOD
the swanky necromancer says "sorry".
the persistent superhero clicks.
the swanky necromancer says "what are your views
on the way many of the companies running MUD2 on their networks
stopped doing so?".
the arch-wizard) says "ah, yes, that was the question!
the arch-wizard) says "they all have different reasons
the arch-wizard) says "it's mainly down to bad luck or bad
the persistent superhero asks "bad luck?".
the swanky necromancer says "which was the most
the swanky necromancer says "reason?".
the arch-wizard) says "yes, bad luck. They were before
their time, normally
the persistent superhero wonders.
the arch-wizard) says "most annoying was Wizards' Guild
the swanky necromancer says "which was?".
the arch-wizard) says "because we'd have been on AOL if
that hadn't had to close
the persistent superhero says "ah...".
the arch-wizard) says "it was the UK version before this
the persistent superhero says "Lots of
the arch-wizard) says "ran really well by Roger Harazim
the persistent superhero nods.
(Richard the arch-wizard) says "it was getting
there, yes
the arch-wizard) says "but I had my arm twisted by
the swanky necromancer asks "as many players as
the persistent superhero says "Ah yes..
the arch-wizard) says "and Roger felt he had to close it
the persistent superhero asks "Why?".
the arch-wizard) says "no. this is the most we've had on
MUD2 for a decade
the arch-wizard) says "it's a long story... see the MUSE
web site, where the whole
the arch-wizard) says "sorry debacle is explained (along
with all the other sorry
the arch-wizard) says "debacles)
the swanky necromancer says "in an interview with
Viktor Toth you mentioned a new UK service of MUD2.I guess this
was Wireplay?".
the arch-wizard)s says "yes, this is it
the persistent superhero says "ah yes... Has there
been a major change of UK players?".
the arch-wizard) says "well there's been some interchange
the persistent superhero wonders.
the arch-wizard) says "but not great swathes of players
moving from one to the other
the swanky necromancer asks "do you think this
was because of the interface?".
the swanky necromancer says "or speed?".
the persistent superhero says "Some seem to have
opened an account on both..".
the arch-wizard) says "neither
the arch-wizard) says "some have an account on both, but
they address different
the arch-wizard) says "the client software helps us show
we're a professional outfit
the arch-wizard) says "but experienced players switch off
the graphics anyway
the arch-wizard) says " is for internet gamers
the arch-wizard) says "wireplay is for UK-based home users
the persistent superhero nods.
the swanky necromancer says "how did you get
involved with wireplay in the first place? Did they contact
the arch-wizard) says "I got involved because I met Colin
Duffy at a conference we were
the arch-wizard) says "both speakers at. they had targeted
a MUD as one of their
the arch-wizard) says "priorities when they opened, and
because I live not so far from
the arch-wizard) says "the Wireplay development centre at
Martlesham, I got the job
the arch-wizard) says "to put MUD2 on their network
the persistent superhero says "On WP?".
the persistent superhero asks "Did they have any
idea of how popular it would become on the service?".
the persistent superhero says "It's now number
the arch-wizard) says "sorry, I don't know what 'On WP'
refers to
the persistent superhero says "on wireplay..
the arch-wizard) says "I don't know. They knew a persistent
world can help make a service
the arch-wizard) says "busy, but it wasn't until they
played MUD2 themselves that they
the arch-wizard) says "realised what they had on their
the persistent superhero smiles.
the arch-wizard) says "it's now a case of educating
members of the general public
the persistent superhero says "MUD2 is second only
to Red Alert and Quake..".
the arch-wizard) says "MUD2 may be 3rd on the list, but
you couldn't sell Wireplay on
the arch-wizard) says "that basis - people join for Quake
and Red Alert, not MUD2
the persistent superhero nods.
the persistent superhero says "Because they don't
hear about it..".
the arch-wizard) says "you mean Duke Nuke'Em has dropped
out of the top 3?
the persistent superhero says "80% of the players
I've talked to played MUD2 by accident or curioisty..".
the persistent superhero says "after joining for
Red alert etc..".
the persistent superhero says "Duke Nukem's
the arch-wizard) says "they don't hear about it because
it's a 13-year-old game
the persistent superhero nods.
the persistent superhero says "Why doesn't WP
advertise it more, do you think?".
the arch-wizard) says "and magazines don't want to write
articles about games that are 'old'
the arch-wizard) says "Wireplay won't get users advertising
the persistent superhero asks "Why not?".
the arch-wizard) says "would you have responded to a MUD2
the persistent superhero says "Well.. yeah..".
the persistent superhero says "I've played MUDs
the swanky necromancer says "you obviously go and
keep an eye out on all the MUD2's but which one do you use most?
(this may sound silly but...)Do you have to pay phone charges to
use for instance?".
the persistent superhero says "But I joined WP
before it hosted MUD2".
the arch-wizard) says "who WOULD respond? and look at the
marvellous screenshot
the arch-wizard) says "all static text
the swanky necromancer says "sorry, no input
the swanky necromancer says "had to press
the arch-wizard) says "I have to pay phone charges for but I get the account free
the persistent superhero says "I do have to pay for
internet usage..".
the arch-wizard) says "for WP, I have to pay the premium
rates, same as everyone else
the persistent superhero says "Not much longer if
you're looking for".
the persistent superhero asks "You have to PAY for
the persistent superhero gasps.
the arch-wizard) says "yes, I do. and I play a lot, as a
the persistent superhero gasps.
the swanky necromancer says "isn't that a bit
the persistent superhero coughs.
the persistent superhero asks "YEah".
the swanky necromancer says "you shouldn't let
tham do that".
the persistent superhero asks "WP give free
acounts to their club captains and not you?".
the arch-wizard) says "that's right
the arch-wizard) says "I'm not a club captain
the persistent superhero says "Thats not very
the arch-wizard) says "well they'll get around to it
eventually I suppose
the persistent superhero smiles.
the arch-wizard) says "anyway, coming back to your
the arch-wizard) says "I play WP more than at the
the persistent superhero asks "Why do you play as a
the arch-wizard) says "because WP needs experienced people
to help them
the swanky necromancer says "kill them with
longswords unless they offer you free calls.(Bob Hoskins
the persistent superhero asks "eh?".
the arch-wizard) says "if I tell you who I play, I can no
longer play that persona
the persistent superhero smiles.
the arch-wizard) says "because everyone will know it's me
the swanky necromancer says "asked for another
glow by pure".
the persistent superhero says "You must underplay a
the arch-wizard) says "and if I kill WP with a LS they'll
put another MUD up
the arch-wizard) says "MUDs are 10 a penny
the persistent superhero says "hmmm..".
the persistent superhero says "But not
the persistent superhero smiles.
the arch-wizard) says "no, not MUD2, but any quality MUD
would do well here
the persistent superhero nods.
the swanky necromancer says "myriad?".
the arch-wizard) says "I believe MUD2 is the best, but
then I would, wouldn't I?
the persistent superhero smiles.
the persistent superhero says "There are about
1,800 muds listed on the MUD connector..".
the swanky necromancer says "my god!".
the arch-wizard) says "of which maybe 25 are excellent
the persistent superhero nods.
the arch-wizard) says "and the rest are utter drivel
the persistent superhero says "Yep..".
the persistent superhero says "Or very
the persistent superhero says "Almost Cserve level
pricing for some of them..".
the swanky necromancer says "do the creators of
these MUDs have to pay you?".
the arch-wizard) says "well there are only maybe 6 pay
MUDs listed on the MUDconnector
the arch-wizard) says "or there were last time I looked
the persistent superhero asks "Really?".
the persistent superhero says "Quite a few more
the arch-wizard) says "no they don't have to pay me
the swanky necromancer says "do they need to pay
yu for use of the mud language?".
the arch-wizard) says "no, of course not. they write their
own languages
the persistent superhero says "They don't all use
the persistent superhero says "use MUDDLE and it's
the arch-wizard) says "they don't use MUDDLE. if they used
MUDDLE, they'd have to pay
the swanky necromancer says "ha wdi!".
the persistent superhero asks "What?".
indeed? ...
the arch-wizard) says "I put the concept of MUDs into the
public domain in 1985
the arch-wizard) says "so that other people COULD write
MUDs without let or hindrance
the persistent superhero says "I read a paper on
the idea..".
the persistent superhero says "Seemed obsessed
with getting a multi-player Zork..".
the swanky necromancer says "Fleet is helping
the swanky necromancer says "she wants to know
if I want to do icons".
the persistent superhero says "No,
the swanky necromancer says "she's killing golem
by the way".
then turned us invisible. I've removed this section because....
it's not very interesting, among other reasons <G>.
(Wdi the persistent superhero) asks "Why did you invis us
the arch-wizard) says "the PK question
the swanky necromancer) says "back to the PKing
the arch-wizard) says "I invised you so people wouldn't
bother you
the persistent superhero) says "ah..".
the arch-wizard) says "I don't object to PKing. in fact, I
believe it's essential
the arch-wizard) says "what I don't like is wanton PKing
the persistent superhero) says "Yes.".
the arch-wizard) says "and I don't like bullying either
the persistent superhero) says "By people lije
the arch-wizard) says "I refuse to name names
the persistent superhero) says "I don't. :)".
the swanky necromancer) says "my gran says hello
the arch-wizard) says "we have some half-decent killers on
here, but they're not
the arch-wizard) says "as good as some
(Wdi the persistent superhero) says "As good as some?".
the arch-wizard) says "say hello to your Gran
the persistent superhero) smiles.
the arch-wizard) says "yes, as some. Kyric, for example
the persistent superhero) says "argggh!!".
the persistent superhero) says "That's
the arch-wizard) says "hasn't been playing killers here,
but he is the best we've ever had
the arch-wizard) says "bar none
the persistent superhero) says "Really?".
the arch-wizard) says "really
the persistent superhero) says "More Pk than youm
the arch-wizard) says "and we've had some pretty damned
good ones
the persistent superhero) says "Hail was also a big
pK.. and got to wiz..".
the persistent superhero) says "Seems PKing actually
does work,.".
the arch-wizard) says "no, Hail just killed one player
the swanky necromancer) says "so wizards
shouldn't really get involved if someone complains about
the arch-wizard) says "the reputation was enough to ensure
he made wiz without being bothered
the persistent superhero) says "That's not what I
was told..".
(Richard the arch-wizard) says "yes, they should
the arch-wizard) says "because if someone at a high level
wastes someone at a low level
the arch-wizard) says "for no good reason, it's bullying
the arch-wizard) says "and wizzes don't like that
the swanky necromancer) says "is hail mortal?I
got that impression".
the arch-wizard) says "hail is a wiz now
the persistent superhero) says "Well, they always do
it for points anyway".
the swanky necromancer) says "its a fighting
game. they should fight if they want.though I dont like
the arch-wizard) says "no, no...
the arch-wizard) says "it's not a fighting game. people who
fight their way to wiz have
the arch-wizard) says "missed the point
the persistent superhero) asks "Its an adventure
game with fighting?".
the arch-wizard) says "the best fighters - kyric, sepultra,
carpetcraw, aaargh - aren't
the arch-wizard) says "in the business of making wiz
(Gdn the swanky necromancer) says "but the only way to get
points besides swamping, is to fight and win.".
the persistent superhero) says "Yeah..".
the arch-wizard) says "yes, and that's a good way to lose
them too
the persistent superhero) says "You also make a lot
the arch-wizard) says "and the wizzes don't like you when
you make wiz
the persistent superhero) says "I can
the swanky necromancer) says "true".
the swanky necromancer) says "people shouldn't get
FODded for PKing".
the arch-wizard) says "depends what they did. if you were a
hero and some mage just
the arch-wizard) says "walked up and blasted you because
they wanted your vials
the arch-wizard) says "you'd feel pretty miffed
the arch-wizard) says "and if they were invis, you wouldn't
even know who they were
the persistent superhero) asks "Do we actually have
any mages??".
this was in January 1998, and for some reason I hadn't seen any..
- Wdi
the persistent superhero) ponders.
the arch-wizard) says "I think we do, yes
the arch-wizard) says "we certainly have EX-mages
the arch-wizard) smiles.
the persistent superhero) smiles.
the arch-wizard) says "basically, though, the wizzes set
the agenda
the swanky necromancer) says "though lots of
people hate Thwomp and others like him, when he kills playes
invisibly, he does tend to go for the high end ones, and stays
away from bullying".
the arch-wizard) says "if the wizzes don't mind
highlifes killing lowlifes, it's OK
the persistent superhero) says "Hmmmm...".
the swanky necromancer) says "but people still
hate him".
the arch-wizard) says "well, that's OK then
the arch-wizard) says "yes, but if there weren't people
like him around, anyone could
the arch-wizard) says "make wiz. at least this way, if you
make wiz you know you've
the arch-wizard) says "achieved something.
the swanky necromancer) says "suppose".
the arch-wizard) says "it makes the goal worthwhile
the persistent superhero) nods.
the arch-wizard) says "without killers, how many wizzes
would we have here right now?
the arch-wizard) says "dozens and dozens
(Wdi the persistent superhero) says "Less.".
the persistent superhero) says "...".
the swanky necromancer) says "CAT made wiz on
WPMUD2 by killing the mouse".
the swanky necromancer) titters.
the persistent superhero) smiles.
the arch-wizard) says "yes, well he is a cat
the persistent superhero) says "Oh yes..".
the persistent superhero) giggles.
the swanky necromancer) says "he's gone
the persistent superhero) says "Next Q".
the swanky necromancer) says "hes not".
the arch-wizard) says "I know, I can see you both
the swanky necromancer) says "forgot hes
the persistent superhero) blinks.
(Wdi the persistent superhero) smiles.
the arch-wizard) says "next question?
the persistent superhero) smiles.
the swanky necromancer) says "people hate players
who kill other players, but if they get killed by a mobile, they
usually just go "oh well, it happens"".
the swanky necromancer) says "or something".
the arch-wizard) says "they do after it's happened a few
the arch-wizard) says "but it can still hurt pretty badly
the persistent superhero) says "hmmm".
the swanky necromancer) says "I think we've stayed
too long on PKing".
the persistent superhero) says "Yes.".
the swanky necromancer) says "wdi?".
the persistent superhero) says "Yes?".
the swanky necromancer) says "anything to
the swanky necromancer) says "Im out of
the persistent superhero) asks "Surely we have other
questions left?".
the persistent superhero) coughs, twice
the swanky necromancer) says "not on the
the persistent superhero) smiles.
(Gdn the swanky necromancer) boogies.
the persistent superhero) says "Ah..".
the persistent superhero) says "Thanks for your
valuable time Mr Bartle.".
the arch-wizard) says "Dr Bartle...
the swanky necromancer) says "sorry richard, we
were a little unprepared".
the arch-wizard) says "unprepared? we've been at this for
an hour..!
the persistent superhero) laughs, out loud.
actually asked another question, but it was rather silly and just
serves to make us look stupid, so it's been removed :)
the persistent superhero) smiles.
the persistent superhero) says "I think that's about
the swanky necromancer) says "well thanx a lot for
your time
the persistent superhero) laughs.
the swanky necromancer) grins.
(Wdi the persistent superhero) coughs.
the arch-wizard) says "you're welcome
the swanky necromancer) shuffles.
the persistent superhero) says "This is going to
need a lot of editing..".
the arch-wizard) says "email me if you have any
supplementary questions
the persistent superhero) says "Thanks..".
the arch-wizard) says "yes, is
the swanky necromancer) says "how are you going to
get the log to us?".
the arch-wizard) says "I'll let you know when I get it
myself, then I'll email it
the swanky necromancer) says "OK then , thats
about it.".
the persistent superhero) says "Thanks..".
the arch-wizard) says "assuming you have email addresses
the persistent superhero) says "Yes..".
the persistent superhero says "We have an address
for the site specially..".
the arch-wizard) turns Wdi visible.
the persistent superhero has regained his visibleness!
the swanky necromancer) says "bye for now and
the arch-wizard) turns Gdn visible.
the swanky necromancer has regained his visibleness!
Gdn the swanky necromancer has just left.
Wdi the persistent superhero bows, graciously
the arch-wizard) says "OK, well I'll be in touch
the arch-wizard) waves.
the persistent superhero asks "May I steal the
furniture now?".