  Experience Level : 1/5
Alignment: Very Good
Aw... :
Male, five foot eleven (well, ten and three-quarters), brown hair, changable eyes, chest 48inches, weight not telling. Single.

I'm quite pathetically nice, and quite pathetic in general. I'm also a Protected Persona.

I suppose I'm something of a Plodder.  Get the simple T that just lying around, turn up on thursdays to bash for the 3000, that's me. I'm trying to learn more and try for the tough stuff, but I'm very cautious by nature.

I occasionaly put together groups to do the keep or team up with a mate to do the goblin guardroom, thats about as adventurous as I get. I'm always willing to join a group to do the dwarfs or stuff like that though.

And I really enjoy helping novices and newbies (Even if i can't help beyond the basics).

Favourite Quote:
First played MUD2 : April 1999
Highest level reached : Priest
Favourite Pastimes : Sleeping, Reading