  Experience Level : 4/5
Alignment: Good
Feyd - The Life Story [Part Five] (view previous installment) (May 1999):
Its pronouced fade, as in 'fades into the background'.

Blink and I'll be gone. (This actually happens in real life as well.)

Blink again and I'll be back with a collection of assorted weapons, keys and maybe even a certain item or two. (Or alternatively, a round of drinks.) If you're my foe, you may not even see me there. (Though often I've de-invis'ed, after the first hit, looking a bit embrassed with nothing more than a lit brand in my hand. Metal note: must be less reckless in battle if I'm going to make warlock.)

Though I still trip up from time to time, (Argh chute in mine, argh spiders web, argh rough seas, oh hello vampire!) The Land's terrain is almost an extension of my body. I travel lighty, and swiftly. Yet there are still places I have only visited rarely. My lore is not entirely complete. (Still haven't finished that map of the giants realm, and now everyone and his dog seem to be plundering it regularly.)

While The Land still keeps some secrets from me, I am determined that they shall be mine in time. (Apart from the Mausloem, which honestly I really can't be arsed with. If I wanted to do crossword puzzles, I'd buy a newspaper. Actually maybe not that determined at all, I tend to let things crop up rather than search them out these days. Mental note: must snoop certain other personnae a lot more.)

Still haven't made warlock. Still haven't killed the demon. Still haven't worked out how to defrost the Mamoth. Still spells griffin instead of griffen, or is it the other way round? (To be fair to myself, I haven't played that much for the last year, I tend to spend a month away for every week or so I play. But hey, I can do all 8 tasks, though not yet all of them in the same reset. :) Did 5 once, which was a very nice reset indeed, with a little help and a little luck I reckon all 8 could quite easily be done.)

I have fought alongside brave noble seekers of justice, whom I am honoured to have known. (APK houses generally, dwarf runs, bashes etc...)

I have dallied with warm hearted souls in the comfort of the Tea Room. (The usual crowd :) )

I have seen through the eyes of the wise, and learnt secrets that must never be told. (Also spent a tedious amount of time watching the, erm 'less wise' in the vain hope of seeing something new. Occassionally I forget myself and blurt out a secret in the tea room, which of course is very, very naughty indeed. Tip: PKs are often the best snoops, for entertainment if nothing else, but tend to object to being watched.)

I have been slain by sly villans, clumsy (but lucky) thugs, and master assassins. They have my laughter, contempt and admiration respectively. (I don't dislike PKs, I just like to beat them up. Tried to go killer once, but failed. I just ended up attacking PK's again. I wasn't a particularly good killer anyway.)

I have muttered darkly of the affairs of wizards, (Paranoia, or wiz interference? Only one way to find out I suppose.) and have been honoured by their occassional enlightenment. (Would never have done druids, without a little mental nudging from 2 of them. They're a good bunch really.) (I hope.)

Regrets? Too few to mention. (Then again, perhaps not. Lets just say drunk in charge of keyboard and that mudmeet, and leave it at that. On the whole more regrets about the things I have done, rather than the things I haven't done. I'm not sure if that's the kind of maths thats adds up properly, but it makes me feel better.)

In summary: This year I have mostly been dying to the goblin11. (The bastard.)

I am ever at your service, (except when I'm not)


Favourite Quotes:
If you don't make mistakes, you're not working on hard enough problems. And that's a big mistake. Frank Wilczek, Particle Physicist
I'd just like to say one thing... Fuck. Wdi, The Fruitbat Slain Mage
First played MUD2 : October 1998
Highest level reached : Necromancer (I know, I know.)
Favourite Pastimes : Sleeping in the maze.