  Experience Level : 3/5
Alignment: Neutral
I am Libator, my original name was Liberator, I made it shorter, to Libtor, but it was a bit annoying I thought, so I thought of Libator, my best mate on Mud is Mankoid the manky prelate. I am neutral in Mud, but towards friends and newbies, I am helpful, but towards annoying little creeps like Blip or Puppy I would actually, really like to rip thier heads off and spit down thier necks! I am heading for Wizard, like everyone, and I think I am doing well, making about 1k - 2k per reset, so about average, unless - - - you think otherwise ofcourse. I want a map of Mud, because I want to know how to get to certain places! Also, you will find me on Mud about anytime during the day, because its very much so cheaper than what you pay to play Mud!, for me its 30p per connection, so I usually stay on all Day, cya on Mud, and Good-Luck!
Favourite Quotes:
Kill one, it is murder, kill 1 million, it is a statistic
Quality of a civilistaion can be judged by watching its criminals
First played MUD2 : February 1998
Highest level reached : Sorcerer/Preist
Favourite Pastimes : Computer games, other things