  Experience Level : 4/5
Alignment: Good
Someone who has finally lost it (previous profile - a more sane affair) ["BALM" :-) ]:

*eyes you suspiciously*


whispers 'here, come closer...', you can't trust it....

it will just sit there saying nothing and them *BALM* it has ya. dont trust it. dont trust it i tell ya.....

you cant trust it, you never knew what it will say next. it knows everything. watch its every move as....

they've been known to cause some nasty burns if they dont take a like to ya. nasty burns.... i've never seen 'em angry.... but i hear things, i hear things ya know... scary things

people say its just tea BUT ITS NOT I TELL YA, ITS NOT JUST TEA, ITS NOT JUST TEA....

nasty burns... watch it
who knows... it could already be too late

Favourite Quotes:
A good garden may have some weeds.
You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.
First played MUD2 : Spring 1997 ("long ago")
Highest level reached : Warlock
Favourite Pastimes : havin' fun