  Experience Level : 4/5
Alignment: Unholy/Mad
You all think you know me,

But that which you know is not what you really know,

Not the dark thing inside that has known you for years,

The thing that knows just what you fear,

The thing that is always there for you, just when you dont want it.

The thing that suddenly taps you on the shoulder and makes you shit yourself just as you try to do the dragon, or summon that mage for those all important points.

The thing that screws up your game with cryptic messages.

The thing that fucks the bb over at the behest of the gnomes.

The alcoholic in me is in all of us, waiting to get out.

Added Extras- Back pain, Headaches, Heart Failure. No cost.

Yours for £9.99!

Favourite Quotes:
Rar, rarar, rar rararar RARRR rar, rarararr!
M E O W !
First played MUD2 : February 1998
Highest level reached : Sir
Favourite Pastimes : Drinking insane amounts, Girls