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This is our news page, the most regularly updated section of the site, and written by Wdi. Aim to come back here as often as you can :). We aim to include anything of topical or current worth, and event information - such as bash reports. Oh, and don't forget to look at everything else on the site - you could even write to us if you have time...
Thursday 22nd June 2000
Scoring, in true Reverence style, over 300k in about twenty minutes or something, Reverence is now Reverence the wizard (as of early this morning)! Well done, Revo :-).
The authors of a new MUD2 client, "MUD for Mortals", have asked us to inform you that it is now available far way in Cat the wizard's domain. It's a client for Windows, specially built for WPMUD2 and mud2.com and is a lot less clunky than ZMUD.
Saturday 17th June 2000
What a successful hoax... Did anyone really believe Mankoid had left for good? He's back right now, with a new update to his "Pity the Fool" column.
Friday 16th June 2000
Another wizard! Saltcreek the mage changed level from mage to wizard earlier on today!
Right, who is he? :-) [ ... He is... Sepultura! ]
Monday 12th June 2000
The new implementation of MUD1/British Legends, "the oldest multi-user game in existence", ported by Victor T. Toth is now available live and uninterrupted via a telnet connection at/on/to british-legends.com. It's pretty darn good, and it's also free to play, so have a look if you get the chance. But may I ask this: how does one swamp treasure in VALLEY?... :-)
Sunday 11th June 2000
Announcement: Nokia has changed his name to Joey the wizard. But that's MR Joey to you, sonny.
Saturday 10th June 2000
Scoop! This afternoon:
is now Nokia the wiz-running wizard who is worth a lot, kill him!!
Well done to Joey!
8th June Bash Report
Mercury the fairly unknown was the bash general for this attempt. "I don't know anything about mud..." he said, in a moment of despair and confusion, before going on to lead one of the most succesfull mobile bashes in the last year. Killing was consistent, but although with fifty minutes left there were sixty-six mobile alive, the increase in the rate of kills after this was so great that the last creatures were killed with over forty minutes remaining. The last two alive were the mongoose and phoenix - the pagoda team was very surprised to see the 3k bonus arrive when they killed the two birds without any particular reason. Amazing performance.
Fruitbat the wizard followed the bash with a mini-to-medium sorcerer war, ie. a fod party. After the brilliant bash success, many competitors were surprisingly cautious in their play resulting in a fairly long war but still with lots of death, and one successful mortal FOD (aimed at Wodow the sorcerer).
The winners:
1st. Sprout the
sorcerised sorcerer
2nd. Fate the sorcerised sorcerer
3rd. Odb the sorcerised sorcerer
1st June Celebrity Bash Report, with Tsunami
At first I was sceptical about writing a bash report, I mean bashes are boring, aren't they? But after many threats and abusive letters from Wdi I thought it was in my best interests. Fearing for my life I wrote this report:
This week's bash was declared a no-pk bash by our resident wizard Gandalf, he also added there would be no stealing! What, was he going mad? ... hmmmm don't answer that one. So the bash started off at its usual pace with all the weaker, defenceless mobiles being ripped apart by the eager bashers. Three minutes or so into the bash we were enlightend to the presence of Foddy the arch-wizard and he laid down the law..... pks would be severely reprimanded -this seemed to sink in with the 40 or so bash participents.
Everything was going smoothly until some complete "fool" under an alias of Dennis decided it would be fun to break the rules and he proceded to attack "Thesurgeon." The bell soon tolled and cries of "FOD!" emerged from around The Land, but after some top-class groveling Dennis kept his life (thanks Foddy, ahem) and "Thesurgeon" was restored <mutters>. After this brief yet entertaining interlude the bash continued <yawn>. So the mobiles fell quickly as the expert bashers depleted the mobiles, the ever-reliable Rocko (and around 15 helpers) took care of the dwarfs while Olazabal avoided the snugglepuss and instead led a team into the wood of evilness. The keep was looted by Wdi, Nokia and Revenant with constant arguing (and stealing) along the way, and everyone else was free to lend there talents without the threat of PKing.
With plenty of time remaining there were only 2 mobiles left. These two rogue mobiles turned out to be the pony and the Jellyfish. They died painfully and everyone logged off happy..... however there was one exception as Darkside the necromancer was slain minutes after the bash ended by "someone" - he could be seen muttering in the tea-room before exiting sharply....
Thursday 1st June 2000
Issue four of the all new and totally revamped Muddled Times magazine has gone live at http://www.muddled-times.com and it looks excellent... especially the logo :-).
News, gossip, articles, fictions, quizzes, newbie help - there's certainly a lot to read in this new publication. I suggest you examine it ASAP.
A new episode from Rocko in his continuing story is now online.
Turrican's new MUD2 client is now available for public consumption. Apparently, it's very much like the old/original WPMUD2.EXE client.
Currently selling their souls to Turrican in exchange for infocasting are Eric and Cat. Only joking... :-)
25th May Bash Report
A great big mobile bash, just like they used to make. So many people (40+) were on, armed and dangerous, that Turrican the wizard thought it neccessary to protect the level ten players by declaring the bash to be a mage-free zone (which is actually the standard, even though bashes are extremely dangerous for high-level players).
The SV was sitting high and mighty for quite a while into the bash, almost as if the players were sitting around doing nothing... During this hazy lazy time period, Squall of the large compliments got himself elected as general, and headed to kill some goblins with a few MA house allies whilst organising other teams remotely. Speaking of goblins, one rudely offed about four players before a gang ripped it up.
Anyway, due to Squall's brilliant leadership the majority of players realised what was going on and the mobile count went into freefall. We arrived at 64sv/68mins which soon became 50sv/60mins. It did indeed look like we might complete the bash in some sort of record time, but unfortunately things slowed up and players, as usual, lost track of what had been killed and what was left.
We were left, in the final period, with apparently two mobiles left: the canary (!) and the old spider. For some reason, both demanded large teams be assembled at the rapids :-)... However, when these two died, one mobile remained alive. Hmm. To add to the confusion, Tom starting doing a little sketch about a Robbin living in the northern dense forests..? Ok then! (I'm worried about him).
The Last One turned out to be an invisible goblin27, which had been hiding out in the giant's fields, dodging between the various parties of players that had been scouring the area over and over. It was killed by Snypster, who was wery, wery proud.
Wednesday 31st May 2000
Two bash reports missing here :-(. Source contains more detail...
Wednesday 24th May 2000
Crazyfool has posted the final installment of his column, Pity the Fool. We wish him well.
Apologies: updates to the Muddy website are currently being delayed due to tealeaves on the washing line.
Also: Voting is now open for the Muddled Times logo competition.
Thursday 11th May 2000
Look: it's another MUD2 website! This one is by Salvadore, and it's accesible at http://mud2.00game.com/Index.html.
The site includes an intriguing 'Players' page, in which Salvadore has apparently decided to rate a sample of the player population. Some people are missing...
Tuesday 9th May 2000
Episode 13, a Double Bumper edition of Rocko's (NSM) MUD Life is now online!
4th May Celebrity Bash Report, with Seamus
I'm slowly starting to arrive at bashes earlier than normal. This time I was only 15 minutes late so I hadn't missed much. Foz was our resident bash general for the evening and the mobile count on my arrival was 150 alive in 88 minutes.
So straight away I lept into action and an ape wandered in beaten half to death by some poor mortal at which myself and Snypster finished the ape off with a couple of good clean swishes. After heading across the ford and meeting Ciara, Eric and Tombob fighting the boar I jumped in and quickly fired in a few one liners at which Eric was almost dying of boredom. So instead I decided to give him my company for that.
After hearing a group was required to sink our fangs into the giant snake, Eric, Tombob and myself decided to take the plunge and we accepted. Easily as well as the death put the mobile count at 100 alive in 77 minutes. So our next task, should we decide to take it, was to head off to Evil Wood and tackle the big two: the vampire and the wraith. Eric and I lost Tombob for a few minutes and took out the wraith on our own (rather easily may I add) and then rushed out before the vampire flew in to take us out.
After a couple of minutes rest, the vampire was then quickly dismissed by a large group before I stole the hunchback's and swamped it then beat the living daylights out of him with Eric's guitar and my bad jokes sent the hunchback to hell screaming for the jokes to end and hoping they do end - one day!
Eric headed off and I flashed to the sea with raft in hand and crippled a rather heavy shark0, still fueled up to the max with fleeing victims but couldn't handle much more as my longsword was stuck straight through his fin and he drowned. With this kill and a few minutes rest, the mobile count fired down to 50 alive in 56 minutes and people suddenly shouted to beat the record for fastest mobile bash success. If I wasn't mistaken, there was still 50 mobiles still alive <thinks>.
Anyway, even I had a distinct feeling this bash was going to succeed, only because the giants had just been defeated and mobs of mortals started slaughtering the goblins in sight. To which, I quickly headed back to sea to kill the jellyfish before the rain started and that meant that we may of had to wait another 5 minutes to kill it. So there was no two ways about it, the jellyfish met a sad end while more and more goblins bit the dust as cheers roared through the land I bet you cannot guess what the last 2 mobiles that remained once I sliced through a rather groggy goblin39? How did you guess that? Spider and skeleton0 I hear you shout?
Well, as per usual, the spider was dismissed by an extremely large group of point hunters and then Foz, finished the bash in style by almost single-handedly beating the skeleton0 to a boney pulp.
Cheers fueled the
land and everyone recieved their 3000 points and I headed closer
to mage (hopefully).
27th April Celebrity Bash Report, with Seamus
After a gruelling footy training session and preparing for the mudmeet on Saturday, I entered the bash late (again!?!) in the hope of a successful bash to talk about at the meet.
To total estonishment, Syl was leading the bash superbly as the mobile has been at it's lowest ever with time remaining. 91 alive in 71 minutes. I can't remember the last time that happened during a pk bash and the giant area has been in operation.
Anyway, straight to work I went chopping up some goblins in the goblin dwellings. 3 in fact, all of which wanted to go down with a fight which left me with 60 stamina at the end of the battle. As I slept off my battle, a bell tolled in the distance as a magic user bit the dust. To total amazement, Olazabal the warlock was killed by the snugglepuss in the nanny's room. At which I bolted quickly over to the I'll Castellare and assisted Superman (invisible) and Tweety in putting the cat out with garbage collecting a cool 888 points each for the kill.
I then returned to my sleeping point and the count immediately reach 50 alive in 59 minutes after the draggy gave one almighty roar as Snoopdogg gave the dragon some fuel to burn. To which I immediately began plotting a run on the the terrible twins in Evil Wood. Marlight, Dicanio, Torquemada and Brickhouse accompanied myself to Evil Wood where the vampire and wraith were to suffer the most agonising pain and suffering similar to that of someone who has had too much to drink the night before and thinking they can handle a tandoori.
After which Torquemada left us to go to greener pastures but we had the privilage of being joined by Bigphil and looked round the giant realm again and played matadors with the bull and although we got much laughter and enjoyment ripping the bull to threads it's just not the same feeling you don't have a goblin there to join in. The fight left the mobile count sitting greatly at 25 alive in 44 minutes so Syl was doing a great job fighting the scum of the land.
As our group headed over to the pagoda, we met up with Olazabal again trying to regain the lost points he got during the set. So we all jumped the giant snake and then quickly headed to the 2nd in command to the jungle, the tiger and mauled the giant beast with such force that it left the tiger with a rather sore head and in need of some tlc.
I left Marlight, Olazabal, Brickhouse and Niles to take out the pagoda and myself and Dicanio selpt off our injuries and headed off to the sea to take out the sealife once the rain had settled. Of course during this time some people failed to realise that while the rain is falling you can't go into the sea <sighs>. But anyway, once the rain settled, Tweety, Feeder, Dicanio and I killed off 2 sharks and the narwhal without requiring rest. Until Snoopdogg came wondering by at which I moved rather quickly and rested elsewhere.
With the sealife dead, the usual 2 mobiles were left, the spider and the skeleton0 and with the spider mutilated just after the narwhal was killed, there was a mass brawl at the rapids where the skeleton0 was summoned and everyone got a piece of him one way or another.
Saturday 7th May 2000
Fruitbat has become the first player of the year 2000 (and the first since Huck, way back in September) to reach wizard, level 11, killing Wdi the mage to finish on well over 220k.
Thursday 4th May 2000
MUD2 on Wireplay is now accessible by Telnet. This means any ISP can be used, any client can be used, any number of personae can be used...
For more information, see the message posted by Richard on the Gameplay MUD2 forum.
Wednesday 3rd May 2000
Crazyfool discusses the MUDmeet from his own unique perspective in a new update of his column.
For a visual perspective, have a look at what must be the first of many photographic tours of the April MUDmeet, courtesy of Richard, at http://www.mud.co.uk/richard/mmapr00.htm.
Looking at these... Arggh! Who are all you people, and what have you done with the MUDders?!
Tuesday 25th April 2000
20th April Celebrity Bash Report, with Sonofagun
This was a story of joy and woe! The bash which went so quickly and effortlessly it seemed like it never happened. We started killing like a bunch of idiots with the faithful Azzuri as our watcher and Foz as our general.
The long lost Gdn came back to us from the grave but left because he fled to something. Lecter and Herod killed and then slept in the safety of the CBC before killing the Evil wood and killing the contents of the keep. Shouting was less than usual bashes with only the occasional moronic shout of "We need to kill mobiles!".
Other teams from JFW murdered and raped dwarfs aplenty while the sea was cleared by Herod and Lecter again. Soon the Sv was down to almost zero and it was only 10:20. An early night perhaps. Three left in 20mins.
Two young goblins were found exploring each others bodies and were promptly destroyed like vermin! The final mobile was The Spider which was killed by a bunch of fools! Some jerk shouted "All type SQ". To those who did... dont do it again... unless you need to SQ.... which you probably wouldn't.
From today there is only one week left to submit entries for the £150 Muddled Times logo competition. Look here for information on the competition and here to preview Muddy's entry.
Sunday 23rd April 2000
Eric's new website is... up at http://mud2.8k.com.
Tuesday 18th April 2000
New on Gameplay.com's Spank magazine: Richard Bartle on MUD, games and WP3; as interviewed by Karya the witch.
Yeah, who needs inspiration anyway? What's it ever done for us, eh? :-)
Friday 14th April 2000
Crazyfool and Rocko have both submitted updates to their columns. Crazyfool discusses past events in a mellow, yet biased tone whilst Rocko flips merrily from narrator to narrator in the next episode of his serialised story.
13th April Bash Report
With Joey in charge, what can you expect but a strange mobile bash? Joey was in charge and this was also a 'pk bash' (though with few killers actually about). Gandalf presided. Whether all this was connected to the slow, slow start is unknown. Gandalf the wizard tried to tell us otherwise, but we started poorly and did not improve until much later into the match.
Our great general, still fresh from his major losses the previous week, was concentrating on stealing giant treasure and annoying Firefarter rather than the bash at hand. But in his credit, he did send out a few teams and so on... before he died to Firefarter this is :-).
Anyway, the killing eventually picked up considerably with the count dropping from above one hundred to below sixty in less than fifteen minutes (approximately).
Droo the wizard made a grand entrance, gave everyone ten points, and then strangely disappeared. What a guy!
It came down to 12sv/...
um, longer than that in minutes :-). By 12 minutes
remaining eight of those had died leaving the spider, goblin27 (again!),
the octopus and our old friend skeleton0. Because we're all so
great, these died, the last of which being the octopus, laid to
rest by Rosie, Seamus and Tinkerbell the fairy. Success.
6th April Bash Report
This mobile bash took place the reset directly after the rest in which Apkjustice the cowardly custard mage (Joey) died, so he was sitting around for the first part of the competition cursing his heart out :-). He was apparently banned!
The generalship was passed around and around, maybe by random, to various people, with Crazyfool sort of taking charge after a lot of argument. This unfortunately led to great disorganisation (what's new? :-) ). Just as it started to look really bad (140sv/70mins... or something like that) Agrazag the wizard appeared and Seamus was voted in as bash general, resulting in an amazing drop in the mobile investment market index. We brought it back on track to 20sv/52mins, and shortly afterwards the SV count overtook the reset timer. Excellent.
The rather bad lag had put a lot of people off attempting the harder mobiles, but these were eventually despatched leaving the giant realm once again as the centre of focus. Crazyfool, standing in the realm (apparently out to get Wonderer), was viciously <G> assaulted by a gang of KNIGHTS members and died at the hands of Tsunami, Rocko, Wonderer and Lopez.
We were stuck wish some fishies, the spider and a skeleton in addition to a frozen mammoth and a secret mobile... which turned out, with less than 200 seconds remaining at the very end of the reset, to be that cheeky goblin27. Trance killed it, securing 3000 for all... :-)
For those that did not yet know, the new incarnation of Muddled Times is giving away Gameplay vouchers in a competition to design a logo for the magazine.
Monday 3rd April 2000
30th March Celebrity Bash Report, with Crazyfool
Another bash, another report which is slightly better to write because this time the mobiles fell like dogs! Dogs I tell ya! I arrived on time this time on at 9pm, we rushed out the Tea Room like fools who have no control over their legs. Mobiles fell slowly and worry filled the land like Sunny D. The Golem was killed quickly as was the ever annoying sea life. Kojak and friends destroyed the Pagoda while the keep was dismantled by Olazabal and friends! The sv was 100 at 10pm which isnt good but due to cleverness by Seamus he left all horde mobiles till the end. The dwarfs fell and so did the goblins leaving us with smaller sv then Wdi's "legs". The final mobile was the dreaded spider but after a team effort its legs were cut clean off giving us all 3k... well everyone but those not on the bash... or in the tea room.
Saturday 1st April 2000
As an incentive for players to turn up for this Thursday's Special MUD2 Renaming Party (as stated on recent MOTDs, the name of the game is changing from 'MUD2' to 'UmbyMUD8.3'), Umbrarg the arch-wizard has publicly offered a set of cash prizes! The first five mortal players (above swordsman) who log in to the 9:00pm reset will receive £500 each to spend on games from Gameplay. 'Runner-up' prizes will include in-game treasure (icons) and Lastminute.com shares.
MOTD Quote: "You must bring with you a green trowel and some yarn, or you will not be admitted."
Tuesday 28th March 2000
Updated: Crazyfool
displays his best work yet, in Pity the Fool.
See him at the bar :-).
Friday 24th March 2000
23rd March Celebrity Bash Report, with Crazyfool
I have a confession. I arrived 15 mins late for this bash but I believe I can still write a competant bash report. When I arrived the bash seemed full but very little was being killed.
The second I entered the game I went straight to help kill the thief and then was assigned to do sea life early with Wdi. He wasn't general this time, Nightflow was. Nightflow however disappeared a few times and when he came back he was on low stam and a level lower. This could have been one of two things. He was either mauled to death by a group of hungry wolves or he was bashed by the ever evil Reverence and Athos. Potential wizzes eh? Good to see em setting an example by killing sorcs... .yeah.
Sealife was soon bashed to death early. All hopes were high but people just weren't teaming. Rocko was doing dws but he seemed to be getting abuse from all sides. Olazabal begged for help doing the keep and soon it was done. Meanwhile Wdi and I had formed a small band of vagabonds or scoured the land like a woman scouring a plate. First the Vamp and Wraith were killed and then We cleared the Pagoda. However the sv was still falling too slowly. Eventually we were faced with a 10sv with 5 mins left. The spider and some gobbos were killed and it was down to 5sv.
I went to the hut on 35 magic and did one summon for the sk0. It worked - first time. We bashed it and we were down to 3. No-one knew. I discovered bee3 was alive but it was too late.
Overall I think we did well but too many petty squables prevented the bash succeeding. And may I say now, they may be friends of mine but I think that Athos and Reverence should really grow up. Sorry.
Well done all and well tried!
New article: Maxmage discusses Explorers, Exploring and ways to annoy The Powers That Are.
Tuesday 21st March 2000
Due to his new status as a Gameplay.com techmaster, Umbrarg has been premoted to the highest level they tell us about: Arch-Wizard (well, as of yesterday :-) ). Apparently he will be "peforming the care and maintenance of MUD2 that in the past I have been doing myself." I don't remember doing any such thing. Anyway, if the game crashes you now know who to send the abuse to. :-)
Crazyfool's column has been updated.
Friday 17th March 2000
16th March Celebrity Bash Report, with Crazyfool
This bash was great! After a bit of a break from mud I came back and started bashing. Wdi was elected as our faithful general but supposedly "fetched" and so left for about 10 mins. Rocko, Kojak and friends took out the dwarven realm and before long the realm was empty of dwarves. So it was just called The Realm.
A team took a long time over the keep but this soon became emptier than Firefarter's "obit me" on a bash. Meanhile Tsunami took out ape2. Reports are sketchy but it seems the two became involved in a Pagoda brawl and were asked to leave. Outside the fight started and soon the sv was down to 70 with about 60 mins. The kills were going quickly and the the Bells started to toll......
Poledra was the first to fall. It seems the vampire was too much for her and it soon took her apart like a piece of meat. Lovely meat. Hmmmmm. The Vamp was soon battered like cod and the bash went on. 50 left with 40 mins. Things were going well. Euro the sorc was soon killed by Tsunami. He then quit after losing but don't worry. He got his magic back and his "well deserved" 3k.
Soon the giants were killed in true bash style: loads of peeps running in like fools and attacking them. Wdi fully endorsed this tactic so his disciples followed in. Giants dead and no more deaths. Suddenly a shout was heard! "Help wi Giant b4 cave" .. this was followed by a bell tolling for the death of poor Aldric. The giant was soon killed by Pippin and friends. SV 2! The spider was killed by everyone (and friends) while Jupiter took out the shark giving everyone the three thousand points.
Wdi is our leader! A good bash people. Let's hope its the same next week. Well done all!
9th March Bash Report
Of note during this 'anything goes, well almost' mobile bash: Unbridled hilarity from Boggy and Droo througout... DROOM DROOM! :-) Wdi was the bash general again (yawn!) ("Wdi the bash general warlock wizard" - hmm!). Killing happened slowly but surely. Player killing also happened (invisibly, mostly) but was even slower. Giant0 killed a whole load of people, including Rocko the necromancer. We won, and we got the points too. Can't say fairer than that, DROOM DROOM... What has it got in its pockets, DROOM!?...
Tuesday 14th March 2000
There is now a new update of Crazyfool's column, "Pity the Fool" (after popular demand...).
Thursday 9th March 2000
Tornado is the creator of a brand new MUD2 website - with its own domain name?! (Watch out mud2.co.uk!) Free information is available...
Tornado's website: http://www.mud2-zone.co.uk.
Tuesday 7th March 2000
Crazyfool the crazy fool (Never been that level? You have to be good to reach fool...) now has his own column!
Comment, chat,
derogatory remarks - all here... waiting... watching...
It's there, in the shadows! Nyearrgh!!
Friday 3rd March 2000
2nd March Celebrity Bash Report, with Rocko
As we rejoin our intrepid hero Rocko no this is not an episode of Rockos (not so modern) mud life; its a bash report with everyones least favourite author, me, Rocko!
(Add canned cheers, wolf whistle, and more cheers)
Down to business. I entered the land near the end of the reset prior to the bash, so that I could get myself another hero (yes I got killed again, sigh). Gandalf made his appearance, and the odd couple of people felt like cheering in the hope that could scrounge a few points off a wizz by boosting his ego,... yes ok ok, I cheered as well! Anyway, Gandalf made a decision to make this a bash WITH pks. After a lot of moaning, led by yours truly, and which finally resulted in a vote, either no pks and everyone invisible or, pks and everyone visible. Well everyone else thought that being invisible would be great and so went with the no pks plan, I say everyone else, because I had a few horrible images of things to come!
The bash started, (quick useless fact: it was reset number 14444) and as per usual people piled out, and soon got turned invisible. This caused a load of people to shout about it, thus causing me and probably quite a few others to have trouble catching up on some sleep, that and Gandalf wanted to shout out the rules of a bash. One of the problems of everyone being visible, was that no one could follow someone else, and so making teams was very difficult. I'm not sure if Wdi volunteered, or weather it was forced upon him, but the poor fellow was made general, which was surprisingly not followed by shouts of the bash is doomed.
Sv 212 time left 98. When I finally got to my beloved dwarf area, people had already made a start. I shouted out a few instructions for the dwarfers, mainly to kick butt and shout if you get into a fight thats too big for you to handle... As I said before leading groups were impossible, so I often found myself stumbling in on a fight. After fleeing on 5 stam (yes 5 stam!) and getting some sleep, I found most dwarfs done.
Sv 124 time left 79. I cleaned up on the easy ones, and joined the fighting with the king and queen dwarfs. Finally we vanquished the whole Dwarfen Empire.
Sv 78 time left 65. A nice fellow gave me the short sword, I'm not sure who this was, because we were all invisible. One of the other problems with everyone being invisible, was communication. Sending a message to someone would usually lead in their utter confusion as to who sent it, and most of the time even I forgot to sign my name at the end of messages. I went in to the goblin area to see what was alive, and I didnt find much at all. After some fighting, and a lot of sleeping, I moved on to see what else I could find to kill.
Sv 50 time left 53. I found the sk2, and called for some assistance, which I got in the shape of, well, he was invisible so I dont know, but thanks mate. Afterwards I simply did some wandering, but not before allot of sleeping.
Sv 19 time left 37. Next on the agenda were the giants. We couldnt summon them because of their rings, and so we had to do it the old fashioned way of going to them. There were only a few of us, with Wdi saying go north, go on. Funnily enough he was the last one to go north, but it probably means nothing, Im sure he was doing it for the good of the bash somehow, pretty sure, well fairly sure, I think Im sure... moving along. We killed the giants, and we were all pleased as punch.
Sv 10 time left 31.
Sv 5 time left 19.
Sv 3 time left 15.
Now apparently the last crocodile was alive, which shocked me a bit, but this bash was already crazy enough, being invisible, having Wdi as general, so I didnt argue. After the death of the crocodile, shouts of a goblin living were made! This bash just gets weirder and weirder! Knott found and slaughtered this nasty brute (Ive been listening to Valetant too much, dam that sword), and so we were left with the one.
Sv 1 time left 13. The last mobile was the Shark1, at least some things stayed normal in this crazy bash. Joey disembowelled it, and ate it for supper whilst we all basked in the glory of 3000 points, oh and a couple of people cheered about it, no big deal. With around 10 minutes left, a mortal reset was attempted, and ruined by the normal idiots who like ruining the game.
Notable mentions:
Cora made her
first (I think) Warlock, well done Cora, give her a round of
applause people, next stop mage!
Joey helped out loads. Id especially like to thank him for
the work he put into killing the dwarfs, he killed more then me I
think! Some people may think hes a Pk (Im not sure)
but if he is, hes one of the nicer ones ;-) next to
Capra of course ;-).
Wdi for a successful bash, even though Im not sure how much
work he put into organising, when people are invisible, its
not a job Id like to do!
Pippin for loosing his Hero, an unfodded one (I can here the
cries of controversy now), to the burly dwarfs, Im sure he
got back to hero quickly.
And finally Rocko for being the fun loving guy that I am ;-).
Until next time folks, keep on reading those episodes, and keep on fighting those dwarfs!
And also! There is a new episode of Rocko MUD life online (link on the bar above). This time: Battlestar Galactica-style wierd Earth crossovers. Mmm!
Wednesday 1st March 2000
24th February Bash Report
This bash: A general lack of players (with a whole bunch in the tearoom!) and few musers got us off to a very, very slow start. Firefarter, the original bash general, was attacked early on in the reset, and participating players were drowning in a sea of shouting. The SV stayed very high for a long time and it did not look like winning was a possibility.
After almost half the reset had elapsed Seamus was elected as the new bash general (and was unfortunately attacked...). Dwarfs, the wastersnakes, the apes, the goblins, the rats and a few other things were the only mobiles resting in pieces. Fifty remained when twenty-eight minutes remained!
Then somehow it started to all come together - Seamus got some back up, Moon came out of hiding, and everyone else started to coordinate themselves properly. It was a remarkable turnaround - the giants, pagoda mobiles, evil woodians, most of the sealife and a load of others were killed. Still, with one minute to the reset ten mobiles were still alive... :-)
The auto-reset countdown commenced. Tick tock, it went. With 150 seconds left, the jellyfish, crocodile, spider, phoenix, pony and shark1 were still alive! But, amazingly, they all died, seconds before the reset happened. Except shark1... With only one boat-carrying player (Lossy) attacking it, the fight lasted long - longer than the remaining auto-reset time and the sixty seconds of free wiz extension. We timed out with shark1 only just alive :-(.
Wednesday 23rd February 2000
Issue 5 is now available at http://www.lexley.freeserve.co.uk/witch/issue5/witch.htm. This time: religions and their portrayal in the MUD2, mobile lessons for newbies and a strangely familiar quiz game. Are you sure? Are you really sure? Really, really sure? Sure about that sureness?
Very sadly, this appears to be the last of Lexley the witch's unequalled Witch? magazines. For her reasons, please read the editorial.
Sunday 20th February 2000
Thursday's Scavenger Hunt was a new, never seen before, MUD2 world exclusive event organised by Karya the witch and the other wizzes. Players were split up (randomly) into small teams and given a list of objects for their team to collect. That's the basic idea, and it went a little something... like this :-).
At 9:10 pm MUD time / 8:57 pm GMT / 9:00 pm (precisely) wiz time, the replacement crew for the ugly mobile bash hoards piled into the tearoom to cause the usual pre-competition riot in front of a sentry mobile or two and the wizzes. And what a lot of wizzies there were! Those present were honoured by the presence of Karya, Umbrarg, Mathias, Agrazag, Foddy the arch-wizard and Richard the arch-wizard (and later Huck and Turrican)! The participants were sorcerised, then Richard clicked his fingers and all mortals present were suddenly grouped into numbered teams (with the team numbers as postfixes), whilst the unworthy remained unassigned :-).
The original teams, semi-accurate as of the start of the competition:
Team 1:
Wodow, Waster, Java, Morpheous.
Team 2: Misterb, Serra, Soulripper, Coppelia.
(Evil) Team 3: Cockroach, Cuddles, Rodny, Colrom.
Team 4: Hellblazer, Cordelia, Rjw, Rallyzek.
Team 5: Jacobite, Scav, Rimmer, Fate.
Team 6: Tribal, Jaime, Herbert, Crichard.
Team 7: Peregrin, Damnation, Apeomancer,
Slippery, Psychopath and Teastain are also in there somewhere :-)...
Each player was given a scroll listing the items to be collected. There followed a brief period of slight madness whilst the teams attempted to spontaneously mold into well organised scavenging machines with bases and chains of command. Then someone said 'GO' and all-out, total madness ensued. NORTH!
Despite this being scavenger hunt, there was a suprising lack of racing for kit at the start - loads of wafers, weapons, containers, protective items etc. were left at the starting positions even though some of these were noted on the scrolls as being required objects. Instead, individual players went off to pick up whatever they saw first on their scrolls.
Examples of required objects: 3 keys, a toy, an item of clothing. These were the easy ones. At the more difficult end: an item of dwarfen treasure, something mentioned in a book, two items that make the sound "CHINK" when hit together. With a general lack of organisation of and communication between the members of most teams, the more difficult items were disregarded in favour of the easier ones by most players in the early stages. The teams that started to organise themselves the best were the ones that went into the lead.
The crime rate rose steadily as the less well-off tried to filch whatever hunt objects they could from other teams (stealing was allowed, whilst killing was not). A lot of stuff was getting passed around and around due to this.
Just after the half-time mark, Richard starting reporting on the progress of the teams. Apparently, "only one team so far [had] 3 keys." Disgraceful :-). The announcements probably got the teams going a bit more - evil team 3 started some dodgy dealing shortly afterwards hoarding fruit and making faces at passing opponents... and also by hiding at the wiz-protected High Alter (where players went to hand in their items). A lot more stealing and panic-induced item collection went on!
Eventually, calls were made for all teams to make their way to the High Alter to be whisked away by wizzes to have their hunt objects counted. A few peeps messed this bit up, but in the end all teams were accounted for and the (twice extended) reset happened. Everybody piled into the tearoom for the second time that evening AND the winners were announced! And so:
1st. Team
3 with 28/30 objects (winning 3k for each member),
2nd. Team 2 with 26/30 objects (winning 2k for
each member),
3rd. Team 7 with 24/30 objects (winning 1k for
each member).
The members of Team 3 also won a free game from Gameplay each! Some people have all the luck :-)... Quite literally, in fact, Cuddles! <mutter...>
This was a pretty
good competition, well liked by all (near enough).
Let's hope they do it again some time!
The April MUD2 MUDmeet is to take place in Birmingham at The Figure of Eight Pub, near the Five Ways.
Jincks is co-ordinating, and Jincks and Uglybloke may be contacted for information regarding accommodation.
More info is available at the MUDmeet website: http://mudmeet.mud2.co.uk.
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